This time for real.
Day one. 18/8/15
Everything is mostly the same the first day, I am transferred to batch 4, class DAS01 & DAS02. This time I am sure I am in the correct class, what’s different though is that this is a joined class with Computer Science and International Business Management together in one class. What’s the same is that we are all part of the global class program meaning that in the later semester we had to go study aboard.
In my opinion this time the BC’s are more cool and relaxed less strict than my previous AAS02 class. Again the first day is mostly just about getting to know each other and a briefing about what we will be learning in this FEP, and additional info like about the points system and general college life in Binus that we can read even more from the binders given to us. We played, introduced ourselves and played games together. We were also told about a tradition in FEP that is making some kind of “yell-yell” or song that the whole class participates in, we dance, sing and go mad together. And will be presented to the whole batch on the final day of the FEP. So the last hour or so is about gathering ideas on what the “yell-yell” would be like. Obviously we were also told what to bring and wear tomorrow that I already knew about.
Day two. 19/8/15
There will be two materials given today the first is Binusian Journey and Binusmaya, the materials are taught by the BC’s. Binusian Journey is about the fact that hard skills is not everything like our intelligence or our technical skills but what gets you really successful in the global world is your softskills.
Technical skills get your a job. But it is the life skills that help you to get promoted. – Andreas Chang,VRIII Binus University
That is a quote from one of the vices in Binus that shows what value Binus University trusts in. That is why there are so many corrupt people in this country, maybe they are very smart but they lack the softskill to be honest. Global Employability and Entrepreneurial skills is what Binus University calls it, it is what made us able to be successful in the global market not just our hard skill but our soft skill. It had been researched and proven that softskills and not hardskills is what can make you successful. But that doesn’t mean hardskills are not important things like numerical literacy, ICT skills and so on still matters.
Another factor to be successful is by being active and not passive, active as in being a part of an organization. Big companies also look for people that have experiences being a leader or a part of an organization, that is why in Binus we are taught to be active in organizations like HMJ (Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan), UKM (Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa) and Community.
The second material we received is Binusmaya. Binusmaya is a website that all binusians can access to literally receive every information needed, starting from your schedule, your grades, news, materials and so on. Binus University is truly a university that maximizes it’s usage of technology, I doubt there is a lot of universities that have this kind of technology. We can get materials for reviewing simply by accessing Binusmaya, literally the same slides that were taught today in class we can download. With the availability of Binusmaya, GSLC (Guided Self Learning Class) is possible where we can study or given assignments without having to meet in class. In addition to that we also have our binusian flazz card and E-books, making Binus University truly embracing the power of technology.
Day three. 20/8/15
On the third day, the first material we will learn is called Binus Way. The speaker is Mr. Andreas Chang one of the vices of Binus University. Mr. Andreas Chang is a very intelligent, wise and strict man. One time during the presentation he raised his voice because the class was being noisy, but it was all for good intentions. Mr. Andreas Chang told us about the history of Bina Nusantara as a whole, about it’s humble beginnings as a computer course and how big it has grown until what we know as Binus today.
Bina Nusantara was founded by Joseph Wibowo Hadipoespito and Widia Soerjaningsih as a modern computer course in 1974 but now in 2015 it have grown into having multiple universities around Indonesia, 2 schools, education center and many other achievements. We were also told about all of the board of directors and councils in Bina Nusantara. Binus University have a vision that is “A World Class University” meaning that Binus believes in recognizing and rewarding those who are creative and have good values. Making us the students an innovative leader of the future that will bring good to Indonesia and internationally. Especially this coming 2020 where the ASEAN free market is open, now our rivals are not just from Indonesia but now we will be facing against other countries in south east asia such as Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and so on. That is why we are taught to have a strong soft skill so we can have a fighting chance in the ASEAN open market.
One way to gain soft skill is by joining a student organization, as in right now there is 112 student organizations in Binus ranging from organizations like martial arts, language, ICT to art. Binus University have a lot of relationships and partnerships with global and top national companies from IBM until samsung, it’s been proven that Binus graduates work in top national companies or become an entrepreneur. Not just in Indonesia but Binus graduates thrives everywhere in the global world. There is no doubt that here in Binus University through hard work I can also be a successful innovative leader in the global market.
The next two sessions is basically about how to be successful in university and it’s steps in Binus University. Like what is successful to you? What are your goals? Why do you study in Binus? Those are the kinds of questions asked here, being introspective by knowing your weakness and how to improve them. There are also rules that have to be obeyed and systems to be learned. Like how to participate in an exam, what is the big no’s in Binus.
Day four. 21/8/15
I am actually quite excited for this day because there will be Bunga Rampai, finally I can see and watch them presentate what types of student organizations can I join and maybe eventually be an active part of. The types of organizations available is almost insane in a way, there is everything for everyone. Do you want to learn more about computers? Yes we have that. Do you want to swim? Yes we have that. Do you want to learn a new languange? Yes we have that. It’s so varied and caters for everyone with different passions and interest. The ones I am interested in are BNCC, HIMTI and Nippon club, it’s fun and interesting to see what they show, like what communities they have, facilities, what they teach you, achievements and so on.
The next session will be about gathering with the community of your beliefs. This is important because Binus believes that there is also a need of a God fearing leader, not just a smart person who forgets or don’t care about religion. Binus respects anyone from any race, ethnicity or religion, nobody will be treated differently. Every friday there is an empty time slot intended for you to use to gather around and give thank to God.
Day five. 22/8/15
This is the final day, this is where all our training ended up in. To be honest your “supposed” training haven’t been going to well a whole lot of us are being lazy and passive, but in the end we all worked together and actually managed to come up and perform something pretty good. On that day all of the classes in batch 4 is joined together in ALC, so the amount of spectators is actually pretty huge. This is the session where we all come together as one, and is the final formal session. The sessions is all hyped up by the MC’s, one by one each class performs their yell-yell until it was the time for our class. And actually everything goes pretty well, it was meant to be kinda goofy and funny at least it got the other classes to laugh with us. We sing and dance around with the music, if you would call that “dancing”. Then actually all of the buddy coordinators have something to show us too, it’s also in the same fashion what we all do. They dance and show gratitude to us. We are all also thankful the buddy coordinator can bear with us for days even if sometimes we are hard to control.
Then it was time for the expo. Expo is where all the student organizations have a booth or stand, where we can join and ask questions to them, after what we saw the day before at Bunga Rampai. This takes place in the lobby, and the lobby is all filled with people. It was packed and noisy all around. Especially from Himmarcom (Himpunan Mahasiswa Marketing Communications), they ran and yell all around the lobby, well those majors are actually known for being noisy. The first time around we are guided by our buddy coordinators around all the booths after that we are allowed to go free. As I said before, I actually joined the organizations that I had been interested in since the Bunga Rampai like BNCC, HIMTI and Nippon club.
I had always liked computers and always wanting to know more that is why I joined BNCC (Bina Nusantara Computer Club) to further enhance my knowledge and skills in computers. Technically we who are IT majors are automatically a member of HIMTI (Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Informatika), but I joined it’s selection to be an activist. Because I lack the experience in being a part of an organization and I think this is an opportunity to be have. With Nippon club in general because it was a hobby and I had always been interested in the language. Actually I joined one more thing that is AM or Associate Member so basically we will be taught about software programming and work part time for Binus, I see this as an opportunity to even enhance my skills in computer science. Then it was the end of general orientation.
In closing, this was surely and experience. This is an orientation like no other, people in this country most of the time thought of fear and pain when they think about university orientations but this is Binus University we are talking about. Through the general orientation we gain knowledge of the mission and vision of Binus, University life, facilities of Binus and getting to know our new found friends.